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Traditional media companies struggle with how to build optimal digital sales organizations. The conversation often comes down to a binary choice: should a media organization rely on a digital-only sales force or a multimedia one?

The truth is – it isn’t “either-or.” It’s both. Legacy media companies need to look at segmentation by product, giving legacy sellers inventory that they can easily sell (hint: this tends toward products that are owned and operated by the media company), and leaving more complex and higher value digital sales to digital specialists.

The insight paper “Old House vs. New House: Building Optimal Digital Sales Teams,” examines the arguments for specialization and for using a hybrid approach to digital selling.

Report co-authors, Charlie Laughlin and Stacey Sedbrook, offer their insights from the study:

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Old House vs. New House: Building Optimal Digital Sales Teams

Who Should Read This Report:

  • C-Suite Executives
  • CROs and Senior Sales Executives
  • Sales Consultants
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Account Executives
  • Financial Executives
  • Investors
Pages 12
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