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The Premier Conference Focused on the Future of Local Digital Advertising & Marketing

Dec 5-7, 2016 | Boston, MA | Royale Boston | #BIAKNEXT

BIA/Kelsey NEXT 2016. Insight. Networking. Solutions.

BIA/Kelsey NEXT presents the industry’s most innovative speakers and BIA/Kelsey’s prominent analyst team focused on what the next 5 years looks like for local digital advertising & marketing. Join local’s top experts and leaders Dec. 5-7, 2016, in Boston, to see how media, agencies and tech innovators are helping marketers take their organizations into the future.

BIA/Kelsey NEXT is underway. Follow along on Twitter.

Need to Know

The industry’s top innovators will present new technologies expected to launch next year and share how existing trends will impact local media. Partners will describe which solutions are working best and you’ll hear from some of the most successful companies who will help guide how you should get involved.

Thought Leaders

Visionary speakers will tackle the most challenging and forward thinking opportunities and provide insight and knowledge into new technologies. Wherever you are in the transformation, you will be inspired and motivated with ideas you can implement back at the office.

Non-Stop Networking

Over 400 people just like you are part of the BIA/Kelsey NEXT conference and we’ve created open time and space for you to connect with peers, partners and speakers. Nothing beats one on one time with people on the front lines and visionaries in the local arena.


You are guaranteed to walk away with real solutions! There will be dozens of easy to implement, game changing solutions for whatever challenges you face. Our partners are the most experienced in the industry and understand how important smooth implementation is. You’ll be with the best of the best.

With a focus on the next 5 years, you’ll leave with greater knowledge, insight and solutions for your business. Keynotes, discussion sessions and case studies will include:

Driving Brand Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence
What Will ’Local’ Mean in 2020
Ensuring Trust in the Future of Local Digital Advertising
CMO to Chief Customer Experience Officer – The New Rulers of Engagement
From Bits to Atoms: The Online-to-Offline Imperative
72 Billion Reasons to Talk About Mobile
Modern Local Media Measurement
Multicultural Digital Marketing Trends
Programmatic Advertising
Attribution and Driving Local & Location-Based Buyers
The Future of Adtech: Creating Standards that Nurture Innovation
Local Investment is Trending Up…Way Up – Will It Pay Off?

BIA/Kelsey NEXT Organized and Produced by Industry Experts - BIA/Kelsey Analyst team
Michael Boland

Chief Analyst and VP, Content


“Advertising-focused conferences tend to be all flash. I look forward to breaking that mold at BIA/Kelsey NEXT by uncovering substantive takeaways and tactics about mobile’s evolved utility to drive local commerce.” 

Rick Ducey

Managing Director


“Businesses that learn how to tap the potential of digital, beyond the hype, will be the leaders. We’ve organized BIA/Kelsey NEXT to tap into the right experts to discuss the most important areas of opportunity.”

Mark Fratrik

SVP & Chief Economist


“It’s impossible to talk about the importance of digital advertising and marketing enough. It’s changing the face of business as we know it and will continue to have a tremendous impact. We will examine that closely at the conference.”

Celine Matthiessen

Vice President, Analysis & Insights Founder, Women Leading In Local


“I’m particularly excited to hear women executives from digital agencies examine content marketing by delving into the type of analytics that reveal ROI. It will be a great learn for everyone.”

Mitch Ratcliffe

Senior Analyst & Digital Media Strategist


“BIA/Kelsey NEXT is an important opportunity to look ahead with industry leaders, explore emerging technology and how proven business models continue to exchange. It will offer an exciting encounter with leaders and the future.” 

Meet All BIA/Kelsey Analysts
Keynote Profile

Author Catharine Hays Discusses Her Upcoming BIA/Kelsey NEXT Keynote

Catharine is the author of Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through All Customer Touchpoints and Executive Director, Future of Advertising Program, Wharton School/UPenn.

Partner Profile

BIA/Kelsey NEXT Welcomes NAB PILOT

BIA/Kelsey’s new ad forecast shows a digital ad spend of $44.2 billion targeting local audiences in 2016. What kinds of innovative business models and technology solutions are broadcasters pursuing to tap into the growth of digital?  

Rick Ducey, BIA/Kelsey managing director, and John Clark, NAB Pilot executive director, share their views in a podcast discussion.

Welcome Day Agenda - Monday, December 5

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Registration Open

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Registration Refreshments

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Before BIA/Kelsey NEXT kicks-off, join us for a terrific women’s event taking place from 3-5 pm at the Royale Boston. Sponsored by Women LEADING IN LOCAL, this afternoon of networking and coaching is designed for women who are the movers and shakers in local advertising and marketing.

All women attendees of BIA/Kelsey NEXT are invited to attend. Not attending BIA/Kelsey NEXT? You can still attend this terrific event!
Click to register for $99 with promo code PROPEL.

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Women LEADING IN LOCAL Workshop:
Developing a Coaching Style of Management

We often focus on the challenges women face in the workforce as opposed to how women can use their strengths to be more effective and get recognized. A coaching style of management, with both individuals and teams, uses the strengths women bring to the table in the corporate environment. Join us for a special workshop on this very topic, immediately before our popular Women LEADING IN LOCAL Networking session. Led by leadership expert and trainer, Kimberli Lewis, you’ll discover how using coaching skills can help you propel your career in today’s multi-cultural and multi-generational workplace.









4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Networking and Learning Session for Women Attendees

Get ready for part 2 of our Women LEADING IN LOCAL double-header! NEXT up is our ever-popular Women LEADING IN LOCAL Networking Reception. Women attendees of BIA/Kelsey NEXT are invited to enjoy this quality networking time while hearing from special guest speaker Nancy A. Shenker, publisher of and founder and CEO of theONswitch marketing. Nancy will share her expert advice on making our busy lives simple with seven things all women need to in order to survive and prosper. She’ll also give us her take on what’s NEXT, with a look at trends and opportunities she sees for women in 2017.





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5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Welcome to Boston Reception

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Tuesday, December 6th


7:30 am – 8:30 am

Registration Open

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Welcome Breakfast

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8:30 am – 9:00 am

NEXT in Focus – Forecasting the Future & Setting the Stage for BIA/Kelsey NEXT

Get ready for a fast start as BIA/Kelsey’s analyst team looks ahead to what’s NEXT in local advertising and marketing with data and analysis from our 2017 ad forecast and a wide-ranging discussion of important topics, like the evolving platform and gig economies, attribution, programmatic, automation, data-driven audience targeting and more. Another exclusive for attendees…our analysts will share highlights from the BIA/Kelsey Industry Execs Survey. Don’t miss this important session – it will set the stage for the next two days of discussions.

9:00 am – 9:30 am

KEYNOTE: Catharine Hays – Beyond Advertising: All Touch Point Orchestration

Catharine Hays, co-founder and executive director of the Wharton Future of Advertising Program (WFoA), will give us an inside look at how this group acts as a catalyst for deeper insights, bolder innovation and broader positive business, personal and social impact of advertising. Hays will share fresh ideas and guidance to think beyond advertising to build out WFoA’s recommended model of “All Touch Point Orchestration.” Hays is co-author of Beyond Advertising: Creating Value through All Customer Touchpoints. You can catch her from 5-7 pm ET every Wednesday as co-host of Sirius XM 111 Business Radio powered by The Wharton School’s Marketing Matters. Even better, hear her in person at BIA/Kelsey NEXT.

Catharine Hays
Wharton School/UPenn & Author

9:30 am – 10:00 am

From CMO to Chief Customer Experience Officer—The New Rulers of Engagement

According to a recent study from Forbes Insights, customer loyalty and enhancing the customer experience are now board-level agenda items for Forbes Global 2000 CEOs.  Marketing leadership is increasingly leading the way, but challenges remain. This session will focus on managing the end-to-end customer experience in an omni-channel world. Attendees will learn about meaningful transformation and hear examples and best practices of how enlightened marketers use local mobile channels to better connect the dots to ultimately boost customer engagement.

Bruce Rogers

10:00 am – 10:30 am


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10:30 am – 11:00 am

KEYNOTE: Nish Parekh and Jodie Sasse – Driving Brand Intelligence with AI

Marketers are collecting more data than ever about consumers, but without the right technologies to effectively analyze and action all this information, this data will continue to remain dark. To combat this, IBM and the Equals 3 have partnered are and are bringing the cognitive computing power of IBM Watson to marketers, ultimately helping them make better, faster and more strategic decision.

Hear from Nish Parkekh, Program Director of Watson Ecosystem and Jodie Sasse, Equals 3 Managing director of Partner and Alliances, on how marketers can leverage artificial intelligence to move closer to one-on-one audience segmentation.

Nish Parekh
IBM Watson

Jodie Sasse
Equals 3

11:00 am – 11:30 am

KEYNOTE: Scott Brinker – Hacking Marketing: Developing Agile Practices

From targeting channels to targeting individuals – the marketing organization is changing. We are seeing a lot of focus on channels and tech. Around the corner marketers will be dealing with new channels like virtual and augmented reality. Most marketing is channel specific. But we can now target individuals, not channels. This session will examine how the marketing organization can and must become more agile to function in this environment.

Scott Brinker blog & Author

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

Multicultural Digital Marketing Trends

The consumer marketplace and media audiences are becoming more challenging to find and engage across advertising and marketing platforms. Yet fast emerging multicultural segments are both growing fast and developing distinctive personas. The key to understanding the trends in multicultural marketing include t creating and delivering on expectations with media and marketing touchpoints.

Alex Andreyev
Gravity Media

Armando Guerrero
Entravision Communications

Pedro Quinzaños
VirKet Holding

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Keynote Luncheon

Local television stations have been doing more with developing complementary digital products and services for advertisers and audiences. BIA/Kelsey sees interesting advances in data-driven audience targeting  including programmatic/automated TV and stations’ digital assets (websites, mobile apps, OTT). We’ve also seen national and local marketers and agencies reweight upward both local broadcast television and  their digital platforms in the media mix.  We also expect to see interesting developments as local television rolls out its new IP friendly broadcast standard ATSC 3.0 TVB is at the forefront of many of these initiatives.

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Steve Lanzano


1:30 pm – 2:00 pm

CASE STUDY: Allstate Insurance Local Agent Lead Gen

Learn how Allstate leverages the tracking of a full range of local digital marketing solutions to gain insight into its marketing ROI and operations. This session will examine the challenges of tracking business that closes in an agent’s office and strategies used to recapture downstream conversion details to demonstrate ROI. Allstate’s success metric is local agent lead generation. The lead gen program leverages local directional marketing tactics (listings, reviews), local paid search, and third party lead aggregators.

Dave Stephenson
Allstate Insurance

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm

CASE STUDY: Women, SMBs and Content

Women owners are a rapidly growing segment of the SMB market and are starting businesses at the highest rate ever. This case study session will demonstrate how effective, analytics-driven content marketing is the key to turning leads into ROI.

Ashley Taylor Anderson

Jim D’Arcangelo
When I Work

Heather Jackson
Constant Contact

Marie Schwartz
TeenLife Media, LLC

Nancy Shenker

Ilana Zalika
Resound Marketing

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Modern Local Media Measurement: Reimagining the Opportunity

Technology advancements and data are transforming every industry and enabling more interconnectedness and multilateral working arrangements to benefit the entire ecosystem. Local media measurement is mired in traditional services and methodologies better suited for another era while emerging techniques do little to foster uniformity or address the unique characteristics of US local markets. This panel will explore the opportunity that local media is stronger than the sum of its parts and how finding common ground through inclusiveness will propel a redesign of local media measurement framework.

Maribeth Papuga

Bill Fine

Mike Wallace

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm


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3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Attribution Now and in the Future: Best Practices for Driving Local and Location-Based Buyers

The latest advances in connecting TV and video advertising exposure to business outcomes is tremendously powerful for advertisers, helping them understand their marketing ROI. In this panel, hear about best practices in driving local and location-based attribution, how the science will advance over the near and long term, and how best to use these tools across your media plan.

Justin Fromm
JF Advisory

Seb Maitra
Hill Holliday

Sable Mi
Ninth Decimal

Sunil Soman
National CineMedia

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Case Study: How U-Haul Is Moving Customers Through Social Media and Listings

Social media, listings and connecting consumers to local moving solutions. Once an odd mix, they all now work together to deliver tremendous results. See how a top tier moving company is using today’s technology to help consumers find the right mover for their needs. Then, learn how their success can be leveraged by all types of businesses.

Elnora Cunningham
U-Haul International

Ari Kaufman

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Case Study: Programmatic Video Adtech

Yashi’s Scott Hoffman teams with Rob Griffin, former Havas Media Group and now founder of his own digital marketing agency, present a case study of location-focused programmatic video solving local marketing challenges.

Scott Hoffman

Rob Griffin

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm


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7:00 pm

After Hour party hosted by Pingup
Musical Entertainment at BIA/Kelsey NEXT

Throughout the conference, enjoy the fabulous music performances by the 3050 Music Group. This local, non-profit group provides collaborative spaces for musical creatives and educators to develop new skills and ideas. They make sound connections- no barriers, no limits. Now, they are bringing their talent to the conference floor. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, December 7th

7:30 am – 9:00 am

Registration Open

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Welcome Breakfast

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9:00 am – 9:30 am

KEYNOTE: Creating Innovation, Standards and Trust to Nurture Innovation and Growth in Digital Advertising

Two leading industry executives share the visions and initiatives their trade associations are pursuing to take digital ad platforms to the next level. IAB Labs’ Alanna Gombert believes, “The technical and operational foundation of digital marketing is at a crossroads – balancing the demands of brand advertisers, media agencies, publishers, and consumers.” The IAB Tech Lab and IAB have the opportunity and responsibility to move the industry toward global solutions that meet the needs of those constituencies. In 2015, U.S. Internet ad revenues toppled previous figures, reaching nearly $60 billion. Gombert argues that if we can coalesce around meaningful technical standards worldwide, we can anticipate even more dollars flowing to the medium in the years to come.

NAI’s Leigh Freund will tackle how NAI and others are responding to the latest shifts in policy and technology. She’ll examine areas where updated guidance is needed to account for new tech—from cross device, smart TVs and IoT, to the industry’s response to ad blocking and more. Leigh brings more than a decade of substantive expertise in privacy, advertising, and public policy in the digital sector to her work at NAI. She has first-hand knowledge of the tremendous contributions third parties have made in the digital advertising space and she is a passionate believer in strong self-regulation.

Alanna Gombert

Leigh Freund
Network Advertising Initiative

9:30 am – 10:00 am

From Bits to Atoms: The Online-to-Offline Imperative

Despite the media adoration for eCommerce, roughly 93 percent of U.S. retail spending happens in the offline physical world. But it’s increasingly influenced by digital means. What’s the state of the art in driving and tracking all that offline action through location-targeted marketing? Our panel of experts will help us sort it all out.

Jon Carder
Empyr & Mogl

Chris Cunningham

Tracy Manning

Steven Rosenblatt

10:00 am – 10:30 am


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10:30 am – 11:00 am

Programmatic, Data Science and the Value of Local

Data science, algorithms, automation and cognitive computing are aligning to create better understanding of the local consumer journey and how to monetize audiences. Havas Cognitive, a partnership between IBM Watson and Havas Group, seeks to bring artificial intelligence to surface data-driven insights into the marketing process. MediaLink is a leading advocate for putting the data layer at the center of the client process for informing both creative and media decisions. ChartBeat uses data science to help publishers develop content optimization and audience engagement strategies. Mediopolis seeks to leverage technology, data, media, and content to power innovative marketing models for local audiences. This fast paced panel takes it all on.

Victor Davidson
Havas Worldwide Digital

Pattie Glod

Melissa Kihara
Advanced TV Expert

Sonya Song

11:00 am – 11:30 am

72 Billion Reasons to Talk About Mobile

BIA/Kelsey Chief Analyst Mike Boland will open this session with a presentation if the firm’s latest mobile ad projections, teeing up an executive discussion about how we’ll get to $72 billion in U.S. mobile ad spend by 2020. How is location playing a role in this mobile market growth? What’s working and not working in this opportune but still very challenged market? Mobile is clearly shaping the future of local. This session will help bring it all into focus.

Walt Geer
Verve Mobile

11:30 am – 12:00 pm

Local Investment Is Trending Up…Way Up—Will It Pay Off?

Investors and operating companies are betting big on local – across martech, media, local and location data. And they’re building out scope and scale in M&A transactions. BIA/Kelsey forecasts national advertisers will allocate $14 billion in incremental paid media spend targeting local audiences out to 2020. This is fueled by the rise of programmatic, mobile, social and video ad platforms targeting location-based audiences and innovation and impeding consolidation and exits in martech, data science and local audience targeting exchanges. There is a massive increase in investment in local by these national advertisers. What’s going on and is this allocation of capital going to pay off?

Bill Collatos
Spectrum Equity

Brendan Morrissey

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


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1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Automating Local Commerce: From Buttons to Bots – Sponsored by Pingup

The local services economy is $2.5 trillion – five times that of e-commerce. Consumers are looking for the same ease as purchasing products on Amazon. At the same time, publishers are looking for an improved user experience from discovery to transaction. Learn how Pingup is working with partners across the value chain to shorten the distance between consumer and merchant.

David Chang

Ben Sack

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Discussion #1: Adam Dorfman, SIM Partners.

Adam is an expert in the local search space and he spends the majority of his time immersed in it. He contributes regularly to Search Engine Land, speaks at industry conferences such as SMX and State of Search, and writes for the SIM Partners blog. We’ll talk about what Adam is seeing for the future of search.

Discussion #2: Scott Brinker,

Bringing Scott back after his Tuesday keynote to follow up on some of the ideas and themes he set forth.


Discussion #3: Amedeo Guffanti, GotU.

Innovation is key to succeed in the local digital advertising industry. But innovation is not about digital, it’s about culture, about customers and their real needs. With that philosophy, GotU, the award-winning Facebook Marketing Partner, provides its white-label solution to SMB marketing companies and business directories, so they can bring real offline results to millions of local businesses everywhere. Find out how to make real offline results happen with Facebook.

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Share-Back and Giveaways

BIA/Kelsey analysts highlight top takeaways from the conference for you to take back to the office. Stick around for final thoughts and fabulous prizes!

3:00 pm

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Why Attend

The topics and program are designed for every skill level so you’ll head home with real-life applications for where you are today and where you want to take your team in the future!  During our two-plus days together, we will tackle three points of view, ensuring you’ll have a firm grasp on what’s NEXT from every possible angle.


What does the future of local audience marketing look like?


Okay now, if that’s what the future looks like, who’s doing what about it?


Got it, but now what should I do when I get back to the office?

What You Can Look Forward To


Fast-Moving Days

Every moment expertly programmed to connect you with peers and industry leaders both on-stage, at networking events and more


Executive Speakers

The most insightful visionaries and practitioners from across the local advertising and marketing landscape will motivate the audience to find solutions to take them into the future.



C-Suite, VP, SVP, EVP, Directors all attending to learn and do business deals



Publishers, Brands, Agencies, Tech Developers, Investors, Influencers all seeking partnerships to prepare for the future

Companies Attending

ABWA Cape Cod
AmericanTowns Media
Angel Street Capital
CBS Boston
Constant Contact
Deep Root Analytics
Deutsche Telekom Medien GmbH
Dex Media

Entravision Communications
Equals 3
FedEx Services
Forbes Media
Get Altitude Nigeria Ltd
Havas Worldwide Digital
H.I.G. Growth Partners
Hill Holliday
IAB Tech Lab
IBM Watson
JF Advisory
Katz Media Group
Macabbey & Associates
Manta Media Inc.
Market Hardware, Inc.

MDS (Media Distribution Solutions)
Mono Solutions
National CineMedia
NCC Media
Pitney Bowes
Propel Marketing
Quincy Media
Schurz Communications, Inc.
Scott Cooper LLC
SnowCap Data

Soleo Communications
Stacey London
Swift Communications
TC Media
TeenLife Media LLC
The Chamberlain Group
The Washington Post
Thrive Analytics
U-Haul International
Verve Mobile
Wharton Future of Advertising Program
When I Work
xAd, Inc.

What You'll Get


1:1 Conversations


Ideas & Solutions

2015 Highlights
Best of BIA/Kelsey NEXT, Dec. 2015

“As a first time attendee I was a bit curious to see how the conference would play out after hearing ‘nice reviews’ through the grapevine over the years. My feedback is simple: If you’re serious about growing your media business, the BIA/Kelsey conference is a must-attend event, period. I had the pleasure of meeting countless industry veterans, rising-star-entrepreneurs, and potential vendors that could add value to our existing business. The executive-level presentations and networking force a certain level of deep-thought to evaluate and maneuver through the digital world we live in, translating to a great investment of both time and money.”

“BIA/Kelsey conferences have continued to get better and better and with each one, more and more essential for those in the local interactive space. Boston was the best yet. In an industry where next week’s news is already too old, BIA/Kelsey conferences allow a great perspective into the future of local online as well as the current landscape.”

“I attend at least 2 or 3 of your events a year and without fail. From some new marketing takeaways to larger strategic understanding of our industry, I definitely get excellent value from my attendance. Every conference, every year, I walk out with ‘best ever’ on my lips. I attend many conferences across the local search and advertising industry and BIA/Kelsey conferences are far and away the best.”

“Local advertising and commerce remains the largest untapped big-pocket opportunity for Internet companies. … At the conference, we came across search engines, social media companies, review websites, daily offer platforms, web services companies, vertical/niche websites, content syndication platforms, and traditional media companies – all focused on tapping into local media dollars.”

“You seemed to have hit the rare trifecta of high quality attendees, informative sessions and great organization. Looking forward to the next one.”

“The show really was a great few days. Not only were the sessions super compelling, but we made some great connections as well.”

Register Today

Ashley Taylor Anderson

Director of Content, Ceros

Alex Andreyev

VP, Digital, Gravity Media

Scott Brinker

author, Hacking Marketing and editor, blog

Jon Carder

Founder and CEO, Empyr & Mogl

David Chang

Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

Bill Collatos

Senior Managing Director, Spectrum Equity

Chris Cunningham

Chief Revenue Officer, Unacast

Elnora Cunningham

Director, Social Media Marketing & Listing Management, U-Haul International

Jim D'Arcangelo

VP, Marketing, When I Work

Victor Davidson

VP, Group Account Director, Havas Media

Adam Dorfman

SVP Product & Technology, SIM Partners

Bill Fine

President and General Manager, WCVB Channel 5 Boston

Leigh Freund

President/CEO, Network Advertising Alliance

Justin Fromm

President/Founder, JF Advisory

Walt Geer

Vice President, Creative Director, Verve Mobile

Pattie Glod

President, Mediopolis

Alanna Gombert

GM, Technology LAB/SVP Tech and Ad Ops, IAB

Rob Griffin

Chief Innovation Officer, Almighty

View Bio
Armando Guerrero

VP, Integrated Sales Marketing, Entravision Communications

View Bio
Amedeo Guffanti

CEO & Founder, GotU

Catharine Hays

author, Beyond Advertising: Creating Value Through All Customer Touchpoints, and Executive Director, Future of Advertising Program, Wharton School/UPenn

Scott Hoffman

CEO, Yashi

Heather Jackson

Director of Regional Development, Constant Contact | Professional Speaker | Email & Social Media Strategist

Ari Kaufman

CEO, Placeable

Melissa Kihara

Advanced TV Expert

Kimberli Lewis

GM/Executive Board Member at SIINDA – Search & Information Industry Association | Leadership Expert and Trainer

Steve Lanzano

President and CEO, TVB

Seb Maitra

EVP, Hill Holliday

Tracy Manning

Director of Channel Partnerships, xAd

Sable Mi

VP, Head of Research and Insights, Ninth Decimal

Brendan Morrissey

CEO & Co-founder, Netsertive

Maribeth Papuga

Executive-in-Residence, BIA/Kelsey (former EVP Local Investment and Activation, MediaVest)

Nish Parekh

Program Director, Partner Programs & Client Success, IBM Watson

Pedro Quinzaños

CEO & Founder, VirKet Holding

Bruce Rogers

Chief Insights Officer and Head of CMO Practice, Forbes

Steven Rosenblatt

President, Foursquare

Ben Sack

Chief Scientist, Pingup

Jodie Sasse

Managing Director, Partners & Alliances, Equals 3

Marie Schwartz

Founder & CEO, TeenLife Media, LLC

Nancy Shenker

Founder/CEO, theONswitch

Sunil Soman

VP, Strategic Insight and Analytics, National CineMedia

Sonya Song

Data Scientist, Chartbeat

Dave Stephenson

Marketing Mgr., Allstate Insurance

Mike Wallace

Digital Sales Manager, WCVB TV Boston

Ilana Zalika

Principal and Co-Founder, Resound Marketing


Interested in sponsoring? Contact us to discuss opportunities.

Sponsorship Opportunities


Rate Schedule

Pre-Conference Rate: 1,295 (Ends Dec. 4)
At-The-Door Rate: $1,595

Are you a member of TVB, BostInno, Alliance for Women in Media or NAB Pilot? Special pricing has been arranged for these groups. Contact us for details.

Royale Boston

If you’ve not been to the Royale, you haven’t seen the best of Boston! 

Named Boston’s #1 entertainment venue, the Royale is located in the historic theater district and the epicenter of downtown Boston.  Built in 1918, this former opera house is a gigantic 33,000 square foot venue.  It is a combination of modern and hip décor with the flair of historic charm.  We will transform the venue into the coolest conference space you’ve ever been!


279 Tremont St.

Boston, MA 02116

Courtyard Boston Downtown

Official Conference Hotel

Book your room early to enjoy the convenience of staying next door to the conference venue.

Special BIA/Kelsey NEXT room rate: $189 USD/night, available until Nov. 23 or until the room block is depleted.

Book Your Room
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