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BIA/Kelsey Report Examines Programmatic Advertising at the Local Level

‘Defining the Local Stake in Programmatic Advertising’ is the first in a series of BIA/Kelsey reports examining how programmatic eliminates inefficiencies of local media and enables marketers to buy locally targeted impressions at scale

CHANTILLY, Va. (Aug. 12, 2015) – BIA/Kelsey’s newly published Insight Paper, “Defining the Local Stake in Programmatic Advertising,” examines programmatic advertising at the local level. The report offers a primer on programmatic exchanges, covering emerging trends in local targeting and implications for legacy sales teams.

The impact of programmatic on the local space has been significant and far ranging, according to the report. Programmatic exchanges are helping to eliminate inefficiencies of local media and its unwieldy number of smaller, often overlapping properties. Moreover, the combination of sophisticated data analytics and automation helps marketers efficiently buy locally targeted impressions at scale.

“The marketer’s dream is to drive conversions by delivering ads that are targeted with a high degree of precision,” said Report Author Peter Krasilovsky, VP and chief analyst, BIA/Kelsey. “That dream is getting closer to reality. Programmatic and automation techniques and practices eliminate many of the inefficiencies, errors and opportunity costs that come with dozens of dashboards used to plan, buy, sell, execute and evaluate campaigns.”

The report describes a number of applications of programmatic for local advertising, including how it reduces much of local advertising’s buy/sell friction by adding transparency, discoverability and transactability. Key local categories cited by agency leaders as ideally served by programmatic include beer, pizza and clothing. Financial planning, localized retailers, quick service restaurants, franchisees and real estate are also conducive to programmatic advertising.

Programmatic Advertising for Local SMBs

Programmatic advertising is on the agenda at the upcoming BIA/Kelsey SMB conference, Sept. 29-30, in Denver. During a session titled,Programmatic for SMBs – Is This a Thing Yet?, former CDO of The Denver Post and current Managing Director for Rogue Media, Alison Kane, will join Lynn Tornabene, CMO of AffinityX, for a discussion on how ad tech companies are bringing programmatic down to the local, SMB level. More information about the conference is available at

Report Availability

“Defining the Local Stake in Programmatic Advertising” is the first in a series of BIA/Kelsey Insight Reports that examines the emerging world of programmatic advertising. Those who may find this report valuable include marketing and advertising agency executives; technology companies selling ad solutions to SMBs, multi-location businesses and national brands; investors assessing future opportunities in the local ad space; and anyone who follows the development of local media advertising models.

More information about the report, including how to purchase, can be found at

About BIA/Kelsey

BIA/Kelsey advises companies in the local media space through consulting and valuation services, research and forecasts, Custom Advisory Services and conferences. Since 1983 BIA/Kelsey has been a resource to the media, mobile advertising, telecommunications, Yellow Pages and electronic directory markets, as well as to government agencies, law firms and investment companies looking to understand trends and revenue drivers. BIA/Kelsey’s annual conferences draw executives from across industries seeking expert guidance on how companies are finding innovative ways to grow. Additional information is available at, on the company’s Local Media Watch blog, Twitter ( and Facebook ( Stay connected by subscribing to the firm’s bi-monthly newsletter.

For more information contact:

Eileen Pacheco
For BIA/Kelsey
(508) 888-7478

Anne Maguire

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